Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rock-A-Bye Babies

The rocking chair in the living room has been the center of attention these days.
The babies must think it's a throne with royalty rights attached - because they can't stop fighting over it!
After lunch today while the older kids were resting...
the babies had a few moments of glory with the chair all to themselves.

First Princess Jordyn demanded
[via quicker steps and an infectious giggle]
she be sat first at the throne.

After a few seconds debating whether or not it was safe to let go of the armrests,
she told me it wasn't a throne for her any longer.
We had to switch up our imaginations and turn it into an airplane.

Meanwhile, as Jordy was enjoying her turn...
Ashlyn and Landon were busy throwing themselves backwards onto the carpet in protest.
Quite dramatic, the tots can be at times.
Tears of envy were shed and anticipation for the ride was evidently too much for them to handle.

Soon enough -  it was Princess Ashlyn's turn.
As soon as she de-throned Princess J - Princess A was all,
"haha. sucker!  Airplane rides mean pesky TSA agents! 
 It's really the Supreme Court Bench and it's my seat FOREVER!"

So Jordyn joined Landon on the floor of protest
while Ashlyn dreamed of all the activist rulings she could imagine sending down.
GREEN FOODS = Unconstitutional.
NAPS WITHOUT PACIFIERS = Unconstitutional.
TOYS WITH NO NOISE? = Unconstitutional.

She probably could have sat and dreamed about her world domination for days
if Landon hadn't made himself quite clear about whose turn it was next.

When Landon realized it was his chance to sit in the magical chair-
all signs of protest and agitation left and they were immediately
replaced with signs that he was imagining himself
as VIP at a tropical resort. 

He simply had no desire to listen to the protests of his lady friends
on the carpet so he totally tuned them out and imagined he was listening
to the melodic tunes of a local raggae band, shoving that shoulder of his up and down.

Fun times were had by all babies in the magic chair -
and lessons were learned on the protest carpet.
Patience is a virtue and cuteness matters not when all your friends are aborable too.

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