Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm Magic

Sometimes when your inquisitive children
want to know how or why I do things the way I do them...

{i.e.  "Miss Stephanie- how do you make this cheese into little flowers?"}
{"Miss Stephanie - why do you know so many dance moves?}
{"Miss Stephanie - how do you make your skirt fly?}

...I just tell them the truth.

I'm magic.
   {or there's a fan behind me...}

Meet Miss Blake

She's a slice of Heaven.

 Mr. Ryan agrees.


Now We Just Need Some Suspenders...

Girls & Princesses!

Guess Who?

Can anyone guess who this is behind the Iron Man Mask?




If You're Having a Rough Day...

...just gather your friends.


Heads Up 7 Up

Anyone remember this game??

Third Mission

Ryan wanted to be in charge of Mission #3.

So he gathered his mission buddies and they were on their way!

 Pictured: Dane, Mya, Tyler, James, Natalie, Jaxyn
Seated behind camera: Drake

They walked to the nearby Crestview playgrounds.

Apparently they decided to get goofy!

 When I first saw this picture I was convinced that James had gotten
stung by a bee near his eye, but he tells me that the face he is making was intentional.
 Jaxyn had a great time on the mission!

Miss Mya had a great time too!

The mission buddies all had a great time getting their goofies
out of their systems and spending time at the park with Mr. Ryan.

  Mission #3 = Success!

Lunch & Snack Pictures From Last Week

Hopefully you can forgive me for forgetting to post 
the menu plan from last week!

Instead, here are just a few photos of what we ate throughout the week:

 Flower Egg Breakfast
{Made with WW Toast, Red Pepper, Over Easy Egg & Green Grapes}

 Food test lunch.
{They got 1 point for every  choice they made.  The bonus food, if chosen, was worth 5 points. Each point = 1 chocolate chip.  This worked ridiculously well.  They ate entire plate fulls of veggies and fruits and hummus and cheese because they knew they had chocolate chips waiting for them.  The bonus point idea worked well because the next day we did the same thing but with different veggies and everyone wanted to choose green veggies because they were convinced one of them would be the bonus point!}

Miss Jordyn loved the kiwi she chose.  
Just not the seeds so much!

Owl face sandwich!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Second Mission

Our second mission {Tuesday} started off great!

The sun was shining and we were excited for a fun trip to the wading pool.

Unfortunately, the weather had other plans for us that day.
(Or fortunately, depending on how you look at things!)
We got stuck in a rainstorm!
While I was horrified because I wasn't sure if the rain would let up
in time to walk back to the house for pick ups,
the kids were ecstatic that I let them run in the rain 
in the middle of an endless field.

I wish I would have gotten photos of them playing in the rain-
but I was too preoccupied with where to get shelter
to remember to take out my camera.

Despite the rain-
Mission #2 was STILL a success.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First "Mission"

If you've heard your child refer to a "mission"....
they are probably talking about the fun trips we take 
in the afternoons after nap times.

I'm not sure how or why they were first dubbed "missions" -
but they have already quickly taken on a life of their own after being introduced this week.

We have been working on positive reinforcement
of doing a good job eating nutritious meals,  listening to Miss Stephanie & Mister Ryan during transition periods, and most importantly, good behavior while playing with all of our friends,
{especially during this new friends transition time!}
so getting to go on a mission is a HUGE accomplishment.   

We won't necessarily be going on a mission everyday-
and even when we do, it isn't always possible for one of us
to take every child along.  So, if your child doesn't get to go on a mission or didn't happen to participate, sometimes it has no bearing on their behavior.   It just might mean they were still napping or chose an activity at home with the provider who stayed back!

The first mission included 
Dane, Tyler & Jordyn!

The first part of our mission was to find the baseball field!

 We found it!

We played a few innings of baseball to the best of our abilities with
only 2 athletes, one old crippled lady & an infant that had other plans...

The second part of the mission was to find the source of water fun.


Then I told the boys that the final part of the mission was to find a tasty treat!
They soon looked like this:

...and then this.

