Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The tots and I have been having so much fun
with our alphabet meals!

Here's what we ate last week:


Monday, January 23, 2012

Food: Taste The Rainbow

The tots did last week...

We worked on color recognition
 last week
so for each tot lunch
we focused on
"the color of the day."

Monday = RED

Tuesday = Orange

Wednesday = YELLOW

Thursday = GREEN

Friday = BLUE

The tots had a lot of fun with this project.
And let's admit...so did I.
Some colors {like GREEN} were easier to find
than others {like BLUE} especially since
I started this on a whim on Monday
not knowing whether or not I'd have
enough food for the project all week long or not.
Which COLOR of food was your child's to eat?

Monday, January 9, 2012

A 2011 Photo Dump!

Wanted to get out the last of the pictures from 2011!


The lady babies enjoy each other's company so very much!

Jordyn and Ashlyn holding hands.

Ashy "Boo Boo"

This was Ashlyn enjoying the outdoor weather back in September!

Remember the day Ryan took over for me for a bit?  It appears everyone survived. :)

On Top: Boys helping me make Christmas treats!
On Bottom From Left to Right: Brothers!, Sandbox play, Drake feeding "his baby" while I was feeding Jordyn!

Dane working on letter shape recognition with our new mat!

Random pictures of Jordyn!

These pictures were taken at the photoshoot for the Christmas pictures.  In my head I imagine Ashlyn saying, "Get off me Landon!" Then Landon says, "What? I didn't do anything."  But then he secretly begs for her forgiveness.

In the pictures where Landon is looking up, Ryan is teasing him with a toy.  Love that smile!!

The older kids love the new alphabet turtle puzzle!

Me and the baby munchkins.  Notice "the twins" making almost the exact same face!!!

Gosh they're cute.