Monday, September 24, 2012

The Princess Store

Once upon a time...
in the land of turtles and tots
there were three princesses that reigned supreme.

One day the Princesses decided to go shopping.

They were each given 7 "dollars" in "allowance" and
then they were off to the special Princess Store.

There were 21 items for sale
which meant each Princess could purchase no more than 7 items a piece.
The Princesses did a great job taking turns making purchases
so everyone ended up with their favorite things.
Princess Mya's first choice was the Princess pajamas!

Princess Madeline's first choice was butterfly pajamas!

Princess Reese was very excited to be the first to choose the pink puff jacket!
The Princesses had a great day shopping at
The Princess Store!!!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Happy Tuesday Everyone!
We were down a tot today
(with Ashlyn at her Grandma Hope's house)
and I know one tot who really misses her when she's gone...
Usually where one of them goes-
the other will soon follow.
He calls her
"Boo Boo"
and today when we were telling a story about her
at lunchtime
he perked his head up straight
and looked all around for his
"boo boo".
Today was TALL TALE Tuesday
and this month we're reading
Whenever tots have a hard time sitting still
during story time
I usually try to let them do some of this:
As promised
today was also
and this is what we made:
We used boiled and shredded chicken in place of steak
and only used 1/4 of the suggested amount
of the sauce mix.
We also added some sauce we have from tomatoes frozen from last year's garden which made the dish delicious!
We added shredded mozzarella and wrapped them up!
Miss Madeline was the first to gobble them up.
Dane was skeptical at first-
but after his friends convinced him that the tacos were
he gave them a try and ate the whole thing!
{they even sang a song about tacos!}
We had some napping conflicts with the daily
walk time usually allotted
so please enjoy some photos from our most
recent stroll instead!
Dane's mission on this walk was to tell us all about
his first week at preschool and make him feel special about his new adventure!

It's hard to see the tots on the bridge
but those are our friends
Drake, Dane, Jaxyn & Reese
having fun on an adventure walk.
Reese had an amazing day today
and seemed completely enthralled with
Alice in Wonderland.
She has a wonderful imagination!


 We also worked on number printing today!
Each time we were ready to work on a new number
Madeline would shout the number as loud as she could!
She seems to really enjoy the learning environment with her friends here at Turtle Tots!

Mr. Ryan and Miss Stephanie agree
that Blake is one of the most agreeable  & pleasant babies
that we've ever been around.
[even when she's trying to scare us as Wolverina.]

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Morning & Weekend Wrap-Ups

Happy Monday Everyone!
We were so thankful to start off this week
with our good friend
We kicked off our week with
some baking and some learning!
Monday Muffins
{Banana Chocolate Chip}
3/4 C. Whole Wheat Flour
3/4 C. Flour of Choice
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
2/3 C. Sugar
1 C. Mashed Bananas
1 Egg
1/2 C. Butter {melted}
1/4 C. Milk
3/4 C. Mini Chocolate Chips
Mix together dry ingredients.  Mix together rest of ingredients in separate bowl.  Mix contents of two bowls  slowly together. 
Fill 12 Muffin Cups 2/3rds of the way full.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 32 min.
None for you this time Blake! :)
While our muffins baked
we shared stories about everyone's weekends
and drew pictures of what the tots remembered the most!
I told the tots that I loved
spending time with my kids
and especially enjoyed our time
together playing tennis!
Reese told us all about her camping adventures with her family!
Drake said he had a lot of fun on a family bike ride!
Jaxyn said he had a lot of fun this weekend!
Jordyn couldn't say much...but isn't she doing great with her spoon?!!
Ashlyn also couldn't tell us about her weekend,
but something tells me she spent it with funny people. ;) 
Landon says he has been struggling with his new teeth coming in and lost some sleep.
When Dane came back from preschool he told us about his weekend which included watching movies with his mama who "wasn't feeling the best" in Dane's words,
so these flowers are for her!