Thursday, August 25, 2011

A "Turtle" Tot

Miss Ashlynn looks great in turtles!
Don't you agree?


Hiiiiiiii Monkey!

A few weeks ago
Dane, Drake and I
discovered this little phrase
that sends Jordyn into a fit of giggles every.time. we say it!

We say
"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MONKEY!"

And this is the response we get:

Love it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's Happening...

Back today with just some photo updates of the fun stuff
happening here at
Turtle Tots!

Miss Ashlynn has been working on tummy time a lot and has been loving it!!

The little misters have been extremely affectionate with one another.
{and everyone else!}
One of their favorite things to do is cuddle with each other
and then ask to have their picture taken!

So far feeding Jordyn her rice cereal has been a BLAST for me and my girls!

needless to say-